Directed by Jim Vanden Bosch | United States | 2023 | 28 MIN | Documentary
This third installment of the award-winning My Mother, My Father provides a nearly forty-year generational (and intergenerational) perspective on how caregiving and end-of-life decisions affect both the persons who are receiving care and those who are giving care. The valuable insights (and hindsight) of the Honels’ journey will encourage other families to have their own challenging, but necessary, conversations on how to best manage care needs, address changing family dynamics, and plan for an optimal quality of life.
The first two films My Mother, My Father and My Mother, My Father: Seven Years Later are also available.
Helping an Aging Parent: A Forty-Year Perspective Across Generations is an invaluable resource for those seeking information about the personal and emotional aspects of geriatric home care for one's parents. Easily watchable in a single sitting and highly informative for those seeking to care for parents with dementia or Alzheimer's on their own. - Video Librarian review