The 9th season of Adventure Time begins on a boat as Finn (Jeremy Shada), Jake (John DiMaggio), and BMO (Niki Yang) return from their adventures seen in the Islands miniseries. They are visited by a mysterious entity who enters their dreams and communicates through nightmares. The Elements miniseries begins with the second episode which makes up the bulk of this season’s content. After the miniseries’ conclusion, Jake is transformed into a hulking blue creature with multiple eyes. Having seen Jermaine (Tom Scharpling) in a dream and being unable to understand his brother’s artistic transition from concrete landscapes to abstract art he seeks out his older brother in an attempt to find one thing that has remained normal during his time away from Ooo.
This season (even if you include the Elements miniseries within it) is Adventure Time’s shortest season at only 14 episodes. If your patrons are fans of the series, you will probably see a lot of interaction with this title, but if patrons are looking for silly cartoons to entertain the kids you should recommend earlier seasons. This season deals with some very hard issues. At the end of the season, Finn kills his grass double, Fern (Hayden Ezzy), accidentally in self-defense. While this and other events have comedic elements attached, this season has a serious mood and focuses on continuing or finishing various plotlines, some of which have been ongoing since season 1.
After the events of the Elements miniseries, many characters are in a crisis of identity having been forcefully changed into something else by magic just a few episodes before and the concepts of self-determination and the inner self are constantly examined through season 9. Children and teens who enjoy dark humor and serious plots will enjoy this season. Because of its lack of content, this season of Adventure Time has a lower score than others, but if your patrons already enjoy earlier seasons of this cartoon, this season should be given higher consideration. Recommended.
Where does this title belong on library shelves?
Adventure Time’s 9th season belongs on children’s show shelves in public libraries. Consider prominent placement or a special shelf to display the case’s friendly and colorful artwork.
What public library patrons will enjoy this title?
Fans of the Adventure Time series and children who enjoy dark humor or Tim Burton features will enjoy this season especially.