Inspired by the Olympic Games, this made-for-television feature-length cartoon is cleverly presented by director Steven Lisberger (Tron). Various animal characters (featuring the voices of Billy Crystal, Gilda Radner, Harry Shearer, and others) compete in everything from pole vaulting to downhill racing. In true sports fashion, the "cameras" cross-cut between ongoing events, while commentators modeled on Barbara Walters and Howard Cosell give the inside story and the blow-by-blow, respectively. While taking a satirical stance toward the games, the filmmakers nevertheless project an upbeat, celebratory feeling. And, children will be encouraged by the fact that it's not always the biggest or the strongest animals who win. Recommended. (R. Pitman)
(1980) 79 min. $39.95. Family Home Entertainment. Vol. 3, Issue 3
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