Based on Lew Wallace's classic novel, this undistinguished animated adaptation is faithful to the book, while also being faithful to the workmanlike quality of Saturday morning cartoon fare. The religious story follows the trials and tribulations of Judah Ben-Hur, a well-to-do young man who is falsely accused of attempting to murder a Roman official. After a long period in custody, rowing as a galley slave, Judah BenHur gains his freedom. He then devotes his time to trying to locate his mother and sister. During the course of his travels, he meets Jesus Christ. The climactic chariot race scene, in which Ben-Hur squares off against his former friend from childhood, the Roman Massala, is disappointingly wooden. Since the dialogue and social customs of the time are presented without being watered down for children, there's no reason why older youngsters-the intended audience-couldn't just as easily watch William Wyler's 1959 multiple Oscar winning feature film version. Not recommended. (Available from most distributors.)
(1988) 60 m. $29.95. Celebrity Home Entertainment. Public performance rights included Vol. 4, Issue 9
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