Effervescent handyman Bob the Builder continues his preschool friendly stop-motion animation escapades in this 45-minute program, complete with four episodes and four "mini-adventures." In "Bob's Birthday," Wendy and the gang feign forgetting the B-man's special day--all the while planning nifty surprises--as Bob hopefully waits for someone to acknowledge it. "Bob's Big Surprise" finds Bob and the rest of his eclectic group of friends (which include a scarecrow and talking construction equipment) scrambling to finish a project for sprucing up Wendy's patio while she's away. Also featuring "Bob's Day Off," which proves to be anything but relaxing as Bob is continuously called away from bird watching, and "Buffalo Bob," in which the little handyman ends up in a line-dancing contest, this uplifting addition to the Bob the Builder library is recommended. Aud: K, P. (J. Williams)
Bob the Builder: Celebrate with Bob
(2002) 45 min. VHS: $14.99, DVD: $16.99. HIT Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 1-57132-706-1 (vhs). Volume 17, Issue 6
Bob the Builder: Celebrate with Bob
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