Subtitled "A Sibling Preparation Experience," Bundle of Love is an engaging puppet show aimed at very young children who have little brothers or sisters on the way. In a forest setting, cleverly constructed puppets with names like Funhaving, Stubs, and Kinra, are all anxiously waiting for a dragon egg to crack. When the Baby Dragon is born, Stubs (a very maternal tree stump) takes over guardianship of the little firestarter, awaiting the arrival of the dragon mom. While the Dragon Baby sleeps, visiting forest dwellers are directed to the Snooge household where a young Snooge has mixed feelings about his new baby sister. As his friends drop by and push past Snooge to see the baby, and his Mom won't leave the little bundle's side, Snooge begins to wonder whether anybody likes or loves him anymore. The situation is happily resolved and young viewers learn a few things about why babies cry (beacuse they are sleepy, hungry, poopy, etc.), why the initial period following the birth of a baby is a very busy time for new parents, and, most important, children are reassured that love grows instead of diminishing when a sibling arrives. Not a glitzy production, but one from the heart, Bundle of Love is recommended. [Note: for older children aged 5-8, Kidvidz' Hey, What About Me? is a good choice for this subject.] (Available from: Bonnie Blue Puppets, P.O. Box 1657, Asheville, NC 28802; (704) 645-9918.)
Bundle Of Love
(1992) 27 min. $19.95 ($60 w/public performance rights included). Bonnie Blue Puppets. Color cover. Vol. 8, Issue 3
Bundle Of Love
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