This third installment of the popular animated franchise begins with the current racing champion, Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson), being trounced by new, sleek “tech” car Jackson Storm (Armie Hammer), who gloats, “I can't believe I get to race Lightning McQueen in his farewell season.” Realizing that “the racing world is changing” following a fiery crash, discouraged Lightning discovers that his Rust-eze sponsorship is now owned by smarmy Sterling (Nathan Fillion), who wants him to become a racing brand. Eager to race in the Florida 500, Lightning reports for training at the high-octane site where Jackson Storm toned up, meeting Cruz Ramirez (Cristela Alonzo), a peppy performance coach who tries to refocus Lightning's angry outbursts. When that doesn't work, Lightning goes in search of Doc Hudson's legendary guru, Smokey (Chris Cooper). Back in Radiator Springs, there are glimpses of McQueen's girlfriend Sally (Bonnie Hunt), and comic relief from the buck-toothed tow-truck Mater (Larry the Cable Guy), as the anthropomorphic vehicles take more laps around the cinematic track. After Paul Newman's death in 2008, Pixar decided to eliminate rather than re-cast the role of Doc Hudson in Cars 2. But for this third entry, Newman's mentor legacy has been revived with new images and repurposed vocals using outtakes from the first Cars (2006). Directed by veteran storyboard artist/animator Brian Fee, Cars 3 pokes fun at our culture's reliance on trendy self-help mantras, adds female empowerment, and touches on the realities of graceful aging, but the franchise no longer has the high-octane punch of earlier entries. A strong optional purchase. [Note: DVD/Blu-ray extras include audio commentary by crew members, including director Brian Fee and producer Kevin Reher, and the 2017 Pixar short “Lou” (7 min.). Exclusive to the Blu-ray release are deleted scenes (26 min.), the behind-the-scenes segments “Generations: The Story” (12 min.), “Legendary” (12 min.), “Cruz Ramirez: The Yellow Car That Could” (8 min.), “Let's. Get. Crazy.” (8 min.), “World's Fastest Billboard” (6 min.), “Cars to Die(cast) For” (6 min.), and “Ready for the Race” (6 min.), as well as “My First Car” animated shorts (5 min.), “Miss Fritter's Racing Skoool” mini-movie (3 min.), three brief “Fly Through” location segments (3 min.), promos (7 min.), and bonus DVD and digital copies of the film. Bottom line: a fine extras package for a mildly entertaining threequel.] (S. Granger)
Cars 3
Disney, 103 min., G, DVD: $29.99, Blu-ray: $39.99, Nov. 7 Volume 32, Issue 5
Cars 3
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