Charles Kraus, a clown comedian, performs his one-man show in front of a small group of children. Built around a cleverly constructed series of rhymed couplets, Kraus's act consists of magic tricks, puppet skits, and dressing up as a clown. Reminiscent of Alan Arkin at his most feverish, Kraus comes across as an engagingly silly and hyperactive entertainer. Unfortunately, the rapport that Kraus apparently has with his studio audience doesn't always translate across the small screen, and much of the act seems forced. Very young children will find occasions to laugh here, but the frenetic pace of the program seems out of sync with the intended audience. An optional purchase. (Available from most distributors.)
Charles The Clown
(1990) 30 m. $14.95. A & M Video. Home video rights only. Vol. 5, Issue 9
Charles The Clown
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