This award-winning children's television special has been a perennial favorite for nigh on two decades with succeeding generations of young people. The late Jimmy Durante narrates this fleshed-out story based on the popular children's Christmas song by Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins. Directed by the quality animating team of Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass (The Hobbit), the story follows Frosty's (Jackie Vernon) friendship with a young girl named Karen, and their efforts to reach the North Pole before the snowman melts. Their nemesis, a nasty magician-whose hat brought Frosty to life-hounds the pair, until Santa Claus arrives to save the day. This is a good program, which will appeal to children, as well as to adults who enjoy listening to Durante's distinctive voice. Recommended. (Available from most distributors.)
Frosty The Snowman
(1969) 30 m. $14.95. Family Home Entertainment. Home video rights only. Vol. 4, Issue 7
Frosty The Snowman
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