Hoop-Dee-Doo indeed! For more than a decade, Sydney-based entertainers The Wiggles have dominated Australian children's media through television, albums, live concerts and videos. Hoop-Dee-Doo! features jubilant foursome Jeff, Greg, Murray and Anthony (full-grown men--decked out in purple, yellow, red, and blue, respectively--who demonstrate zeal and enthusiasm without looking like complete jerks or molesters) at their merrymaking best. Even before the wigglin', the gigglin' begins with our first glimpse of The Wiggles and their psychedelic, sparkling set, as they serve up jazzy, dance-worthy little ditties about fruit salad and zoo animals. Joined by zany and eclectic cohorts Dorothy (a dinosaur), Wags (a dog), Henry (an octopus), and Captain Feathersword (a rather irritating pirate), The Wiggles' dynamism and creativity shine on sixteen affable songs that include "Play Your Guitar With Murray," "Caveland" (which transforms The Wiggles into CGI animation), "Dance The Ooby Doo," and "Fun On The Farm." Highly recommended. Also newly available at the same price on VHS is Wiggly, Wiggly World! Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams)
Hoop-Dee-Doo! It's A Wiggly Party
(2001) 55 min. VHS: $14.95, DVD: $19.99. HIT Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 1-57132-620-0. Volume 17, Issue 3
Hoop-Dee-Doo! It's A Wiggly Party
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