From the makers of the Paddington Bear and The Wombles series, this collection of animated shorts featuring children's author and illustrator Rodney Peppe's porcine daydreamer Huxley is rather...British. Sporting fine model animation, the tape offers five 10-minute shorts (including the title piece). Each episode has Huxley falling into a daydream in which he and his bird friend Sam must invariably solve a problem involving Horace the rodent (of whom Huxley is not particularly fond). While the episodes present a variety of situations--Huxley plays an Inspector, directs a remake of Lawrence of Arabia, and even stars in a stage version of Cinderella--the British slang (not to mention dry wit) is liable to be lost on American children. An optional purchase. Two other compilations--Huxley Pig & The Sea Monster and Huxley Pig at the Beach are also available. (Available from: BFS Video, 350 Newkirk Road North, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, L4C 3G7; (416) 884-2323.)
Huxley Pig: Huxley Pig Makes A Movie
(1989) 50 min. $14.98. BFS Video. Home video rights only. Color cover. Vol. 7, Issue 11
Huxley Pig: Huxley Pig Makes A Movie
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