Who wouldn't like to find out how they teach those lions to tolerate dental examinations by circus people, or get that cute dog on Frasier to have all those human emotions, or even how they train all those spiders and snakes not to bite Crocodile Hunter? This video unfortunately bites off more than it can chew by showing us elephant trainers, performing dogs, magic acts, trained sea lions, and the Wildlife Waystation, without ever once demonstrating how the animals are trained. Apparently, the producers think it is enough to have a bubbly narrator and a number of visceral cuts of animals and their trainers onscreen without offering any practical advice or information about the careers presented. Although this could be mildly appealing to kids between the ages of 4 and 6, the filmmakers could have broadened the market considerably with some interviews and demonstrations. A very marginal purchase. Other titles in the 10 title Just Imagine! series (series price: $249.75, including study guide) include: You're an Astronaut, You're a Boat Captain, You're an Ice Skater and You're a Race Car Driver. Aud: K, E, P. (R. Ray)
Just Imagine!: You're a Wild Animal Trainer
(2000) 18 min. $29.95. MediaPro. PPR. Color cover. Vol. 16, Issue 3
Just Imagine!: You're a Wild Animal Trainer
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