There's a thin line between love and hate, pleasure and pain, and cute and obnoxious. I understand the pleasure/pain thing, but the difference between enjoying Kidsongs! I Can Dance! and the desire to upchuck is as thin as a paper cut here. These energetic multicultural kids lip-sync (badly) a dozen songs ("Dancing in the Street", "Twist and Shout", and the "Mexican Hat Dance" among others) with costume changes and dance numbers perfectly suited to each tune. "Come on and Conga" features some ten smiling little Carmen Miranda's, while "At the Hop" is performed outside a '50s diner in saddle shoes and poodle-skirts. It's positively upbeat, it's predicable, it's inexhaustible and it's border-line. Recommended with gritted teeth. Also available, Kidsongs I Can Do It! Aud: K, E, P. (N. Plympton)
Kidsongs! I Can Dance!
(Sony Wonder, 26 min., $12.98) Vol. 13, Issue 2
Kidsongs! I Can Dance!
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