Set in ancient Japan, this visually stunning animated fantasy-adventure revolves around an 11-year-old boy named Kubo (voiced by Art Parkinson), who is a storytelling musician skilled at origami. Although his ailing mother warns him to be home before nightfall, the tranquility of Kubo's life is shattered when he accidentally breaks a supernatural curse. Accompanied by a snarky, sassy Monkey guardian (Charlize Theron), Kubo is determined to acquire three specific pieces of armor that belonged to his late samurai-warrior father in order to fulfill his destiny. Joined by a genial, wisecracking, weapons-savvy Beetle (Matthew McConaughey), Kubo battles malevolent spirits, including his mother's twin sisters (Rooney Mara) and her grandfather, the vengeful Moon King (Ralph Fiennes). Directed by Travis Knight, this folkloric tale features painstakingly detailed imagery—inspired by dolls from Japan's late Edo period—that seamlessly blends art with computer technology in stop-motion animation using tiny puppets. Recommended. [Note: DVD/Blu-ray extras include audio commentary by director Travis Knight, the behind-the-scenes segments “Japanese Inspiration” (6 min.), “Corners of the Earth” (3 min.), and “The Myth of Kubo” (3 min.), and trailers. Exclusive to the Blu-ray release is a brief introduction by Knight, production featurettes on “Mythological Monsters” (10 min.), “The Redemptive and Healing Powers of Music” (6 min.), and “Braving the Elements” (5 min.), an epilogue by Knight (2 min.), and bonus DVD, digital, and UltraViolet copies of the film. Bottom line: a fine extras package for a winning animated film.] (S. Granger)
Kubo and the Two Strings
Universal, 102 min., PG, DVD: $29.98, Blu-ray/DVD Combo: $34.98, Nov. 22 Volume 31, Issue 5
Kubo and the Two Strings
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