Subtitled "The Childbirth for Children Video," Lizzie and the Baby is a charming, gentle introduction to the subject of childbirth aimed at young siblings. Told from both a narrator and 4-year-old Lizzie's point of view, the program charts the changes that occur in a mother as she prepares for birth, and Lizzie's reactions to the new situations she encounters: such as accompanying her mother to the doctor's for a pre-natal check-up, and talking with her father about ways to be helpful when the baby arrives. An animated segment shows kids the processes of fertilization, gestation, and birth, and the video concludes with a trip to the hospital where Lizzie's mother gives birth. Lizzie and the Baby's strength lies in the way that it openly acknowledges the conflicting feelings that young children experience when a new sibling enters their world (regarding her new baby brother, Lizzie says: "he cries...and I don't like that"). Children may be both excited and comforted by the program, and adults will be reminded of the importance of keeping their earlier offspring involved in the activities surrounding the arrival of the new baby. For those libraries who are willing to pay the rather steep price for this kind of program, this is highly recommended. (R. Pitman)
Lizzie And the Baby
(1994) 19 min. $250. Injoy Productions. PPR. Color cover. Vol. 9, Issue 3
Lizzie And the Baby
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