Based on the popular single-panel newspaper cartoon created by Brad Anderson and Phil Leeming, this live-action, kid-centric comedy centers on the titular galumphing Great Dane and his hapless human family. The story begins as workaholic advertising exec Phil Winslow (Lee Pace), his wife (Judy Greer), and their three children move from Kansas to Orange County, California, where Phil works for demanding Don Twombly (William H. Macy), the president of an organic pet food company. Adjusting to the new, segregated dog park, Marmaduke (voiced by Owen Wilson) and his buddy, Carlos, the Winslows' Russian Blue cat (George Lopez), make friends with three mutts—skittish Giuseppe (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), suave Raisin (Steve Coogan), and kind-hearted Mazie (Emma Stone). But when Marmaduke tries to hang with the “in” crowd—aka the pedigreed, particularly a coy collie named Jezebel (Stacy Ferguson of the Black Eyed Peas)—trouble begins to brew. Jezebel is already claimed by villainous Bosco (Kiefer Sutherland), a dominant Doberman who claims to be a surfing champion. Directed by Tom Dey, this predictable and lame family film is not a necessary purchase. [Note: DVD/Blu-ray extras include deleted scenes (10 min.), “Cowabarka!” clips of surfing dogs (5 min.), a segment on canine casting (3 min.), and trailers. Exclusive to the Blu-ray release are a “Puppy Marmaduke & Kitty Carlos: Home Movies” spoof featurette (4 min.), a gag reel (3 min.), and a bonus DVD copy of the film. Bottom line: a solid extras package for an unexceptional film.] (S. Granger)
Fox, 87 min., PG, DVD: $29.99, Blu-ray: $39.99, Aug. 31 Volume 25, Issue 4
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