A delightful and amusing clay animated adaptation of the late author/illustrator Dorothea Warren Fox's children's book of the same, Miss Twiggley's Tree combines vivid colors, humor, clever rhyming, and solid narration by Charles Fuller to tell a cautionary morality tale. Miss Twiggley not only lives in a tree with animals (her dog Puss and a pair of bears), she also wears a hat to bed--lifestyle choices and character traits that make her more conservative neighbors nervous, especially the mayor's wife (who has a bit of a personal vendetta against Miss Twiggley). Although shy and virtually unacquainted with the townspeople, Miss Twiggley steps up to the plate to offer assistance when the entire town is flooded during a hurricane--an offer sheepishly accepted by the judgmental community, which flocks to Miss Twiggley's strange home, where they enjoy dry surroundings, warm stew, singing and games, comfy spare beds…and a new acceptance of and appreciation for the woman whom they formerly found so odd. Cute ditties, endearing characters, and an uplifting lesson make this excellent, affordable program highly recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams)
Miss Twiggley's Tree
(2001) 22 min. $15.99. Bix Pix Entertainment. Color cover. Volume 17, Issue 5
Miss Twiggley's Tree
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