This animated sequel centers on squirrels Surly (voiced by Will Arnett) and Andie (Katherine Heigl), who are obviously destined for one another but face a number of obstacles on the circuitous road to romance. Perpetually grumbling Surly and the rest of his gluttonous gang hang out in abandoned Nibbler's Nut Shop near Liberty Park, gobbling artisanal, previously shelled morsels. Conscientious Andie is annoyed by their slothful behavior and relieved when an explosion destroys the dilapidated building. But then Oakton City's corrupt Mayor (Bobby Moynihan) announces plans to bulldoze their park, turning it into a “Liberty Land” amusement center—while avoiding safety compliance laws in order to maximize profits (viewers know he's a bad guy because his car's vanity license plate is MBEZZLIN). Rising up in protest, Surly, Andie, and their cohorts are unexpectedly aided by white-furred Mr. Feng (Jackie Chan), who lives in Chinatown, having mysteriously evolved from a street rodent into a “weapon of mouse destruction.” Plus, there's Precious (Maya Rudolph), a scrappy, pop-eyed pug that frolics with Frankie (Bobby Cannavale), the Mayor's daughter's French bulldog. Co-writer/director Cal Brunker's frenzied but uninspired family film predictably underscores the value of friendship and working together toward a common goal. Optional. [Note: DVD/Blu-ray extras include audio commentary with director/co-writer Cal Brunker and producer/co-writer Bob Barlen, animation progression reels (4 min.), a concept art reel (3 min.), and brief deleted scenes. Exclusive to the Blu-ray release are bonus DVD and digital copies of the film. Bottom line: a solid extras package for a run of the mill animated flick.] (S. Granger)
Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature
Universal, 92 min., PG, DVD: $29.98, Blu-ray/DVD Combo: $34.98, Nov. 14 Volume 32, Issue 5
Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature
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