Based on Frank Modell's 1981 picture book, this animated short tells the story...or, skit...of friends Marvin and Milton, who make a lot of valentines, give some away, sell the rest, and then buy a box of chocolates. In video terms, this is the equivalent of a truncated Care Bears episode: warm, fuzzy, but strictly entertainment lite. And the woefully pointless study guide underscores this rather obviously with the opening entry under the "After Viewing Activities": namely, "talk with children about the different kinds of mail they receive." Huh? Neither very educational, nor really very entertaining, One Zillion Valentines is not recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (R. Pitman)
One Zillion Valentines
(1998) 6 min. $60. Scholastic/Weston Woods. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 0-78820-739-3. Vol. 14, Issue 3
One Zillion Valentines
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