In this 2002 animated sequel to the 1953 Disney classic Peter Pan, Wendy (voiced by Kathie Soucie) is now grown up and raising a family of her own in London during the WWII Blitz, a time when fathers are off fighting the war and children are being sent to the countryside for safety. The skeptical heroine here is Jane (Harriet Owen), Wendy's war-weary daughter, who certainly doesn't believe in her mother's magical tales about Peter Pan and Tinker Bell—until, one night, when she's kidnapped by fiendish Captain Hook (Corey Burton), who thinks she's actually Wendy and is plotting to lure Peter Pan (Blayne Weaver) to his doom. Once in Never Land, Jane is rescued by still-prepubescent Peter, who is totally bewildered until she explains that she is Wendy's daughter. Jane will meet a new crop of Lost Boys and embark on her own adventure, which involves an orange octopus and buried treasure. But, above all, Jane feels a strong sense of duty to return to London and care for her little brother—and that's how she's tricked into making a deal with Captain Hook, who offers to fly her home. Re-released on DVD and bowing on Blu-ray, extras include “Pixie Previews” (clips from the current crop of CGI-animated Tinker Bell movies), the music video “I'll Try” by Jonatha Brooke, and a digital copy. Exclusive to the Blu-ray release are deleted scenes, along with a bonus DVD copy. One of the better Disney sequels, this spirited family film is recommended. (S. Granger)
Return to Never Land
Walt Disney, 72 min., G, DVD: $29.99, Blu-ray/DVD Combo: $36.99 November 18, 2013
Return to Never Land
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