In Graham Ralph's 2001 animated BBC production, Archie the rabbit (voiced by Hugh Laurie, Stuart Little), who yearns for adventure, gets more than he bargained for when a stray gift from Santa's sleigh slams out of the sky and through his roof on Christmas Eve! Along with knowledgeable hamster Babs and lethargic guinea pig Duke, Archie sets out to return the gift to a young freckle-faced girl named Polly before daybreak. Following the directions of a friendly snowman (hence the title), the trio experience an eventful journey, including a sheep blockade, a vicious cat, obliging pigeons, and brief separation, followed by success when they present the package to Polly and receive a thank-you from Santa himself. Also featuring the voice talents of Barbara Windsor (Carry On and EastEnders) and Mark Williams (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), this cheering, festive program--which includes a making-of featurette and a trivia game on the DVD--is recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams)
Second Star to the Left: A Christmas Tale
(2001) 29 min. VHS: $9.95, DVD: $14.95. MGM Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-7928-5866-2 (dvd). Volume 18, Issue 6
Second Star to the Left: A Christmas Tale
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