Good animation, solid stories, and a faithfulness to the spirit of the Arthur Conan Doyle series make these episodes of the cartoon show Sherlock Hound fun to watch. In the opener, Hound meets Watson during a transcontinental sea voyage which finds an old pirate being chased by his mates. Hound and Watson save the day in a long, and fairly imaginative, chase scene, which puts the pirates off their track. In all of the other stories on the tape, Hound does battle with the evil Moriarty. In one episode, Moriarty steals the chime from Big Ben, in another he steals the booty from cargo ships with his underwater mechanical sea monster that terrorizes the London folk, and yet another story finds Hound trying to solve the baffling mystery of a stolen jewel from a room which no one was seen entering or exiting. While the Sherlock Hound tales do not rival Doyle's' in any sense of superb plotting, they do have a bit more logic and imagination than most similar cartoon fare. Recommended. (Available from most distributors.)
Sherlock Hound, Vol. 5: Dr. Watson, I Presume?
(1984) 120 m. $29.99. Just For Kids Home Video. Home video rights only. Color cover. Vol. 6, Issue 3
Sherlock Hound, Vol. 5: Dr. Watson, I Presume?
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