The Oscar-nominated Lilo & Stitch turned out to be one of Disney's most surprising success stories. Not at all surprising is Disney's near-instant exploitation of all the franchise possibilities with this produced-for-video sequel that sets the stage for an animated TV series. Lilo's "ohana" has expanded to include a now-domesticated Stitch (formerly known as Experiment 626), his former evil genius creator Jumba, and supposed Earth expert Pleakley. The plot involves a scheme--devised by the taunting Dr. Hamsterviel (memo to voice actor Jeff Bennett: John Cleese called; he wants his accent from Monty Python and the Holy Grail back)--to kidnap Jumba, steal the other 625 experiments, and rule the galaxy. But Lilo and Stitch are determined to rescue their friend, and they are aided by two other "experiments" whose anarchic personalities, like Joe Dante's Gremlins, are unleashed when exposed to water: one packs a Pikachu-like electrical charge, the other is a sandwich-scarfing slacker (neither brings much to the party). The original voice cast, including Daveigh Chase as the persistent Lilo, Kevin McDonald as the happily assimilated Pleakley, Tia Carrere as Nani, and David Ogden Stiers as Jumba, rise above the labored material, but there's less warmth and more mayhem this time around. Optional. [Note: DVD extras include an “Experiment Finder” creature search/sorting game, “Dr. Hamsterviel's Trivia Challenge for Trivial Earthlings” trivia game with “genius” (movie trivia) and “super-genius” (trivia from the TV series) questions, an “Experiment Gallery” with pictures of selected character critters and brief text descriptions of their powers, and the music video “Aloha, E Komo Mai” by Jump 5. Bottom line: a kid-friendly extras package for a disappointing spin-off.] (K. Lee Benson)
Stitch!: The Movie
Walt Disney, 64 min., G, VHS: $22.99, DVD: $29.99 Volume 18, Issue 6
Stitch!: The Movie
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