This computer-animated action movie is a modern retelling of part of the classic Monkey King tale. While visiting the temple of Zhenyuan Daxian, patriarch of earthly immortals, with his master Tang Sanzang, Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, (Jiang Bian/Jason Kesser) bristles under the overheard insults of his hosts who repeatedly mock his master’s earthly poverty and plot to give the four visitors a false heavenly meal and take the treasured fruit for themselves.
A prideful and short-tempered being, Sun Wukong is driven not only to steal several of the fruits for himself and his fellow acolytes but to uproot the tree which bears the fruit after his host’s insults become public. This kills the tree and frees the primordial demon the heavenly tree was created to imprison. Primordium flees to regain its power, taking dominion over all demons, and Sun Wukong promises Zhenyuan his loyalty and risks eternal punishment to find and defeat this primordial demon before the Earthly Realm becomes a lifeless place.
This is a family action movie in a similar vein to Kung Fu Panda, though for a slightly older audience. It is silly and cartoonish the whole 96 minutes while also telling a compelling story with outstanding graphics and fight scenes. The characterizations of many of the characters were spot on. This film is very entertaining. It has an amazing range as well, moving from moments of slapstick comedy to world-crushing defeat with ease and dramatic impact.
Some interesting choices are made in this retelling, such as making the Qi energy needed to stop the primordial demon a sentient being and main character. The violence on display is mostly cartoonish, though occasionally brutal at some moments, and along with some occasional cursing should be considered in recommendations. The Monkey King Reborn is an excellent choice for an addition to a family film collection in a public library.