Based on the 1999 picture book written by Cari Best and illustrated by Giselle Potter, this animated family heartwarmer, narrated by Ekaterina Gordeeva, centers on young Sara's Russian grandmother's 78th birthday. Already blessed with "music and laughing," "day and night," and "all of you," Grandma asks for "no presents" for her birthday, inspiring family and neighbors to come up with creative, non-commercial "gifts." When the day arrives, tap-dancing Mr. Minsky, singing Marie Caruso and her baby Nemo, and others show up to listen to gypsy music, enjoy the borscht and blintzes, and give Sara's grandmother a fancy hairdo, a love song, a waltz, and, from Sara, a special offer to teach her grandma to read and write English. While this portrait of close-knit family and community feting an honored and beloved matriarch serves up a nice dose of warm, fuzzy feeling, the 20 minute running time is a bit long and the program's simple blueprint (introduce each character, let each give a "no present," give a quick goodbye snapshot of each at day's end) occasionally seems workmanlike. Still, consider this a strong optional purchase for larger children's collections. Aud: E, I, P. (R. Pitman)
Three Cheers for Catherine the Great!
(2001) 20 min. $60 (study guide included). Scholastic/Weston Woods. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 0-78820-759-8. Volume 16, Issue 6
Three Cheers for Catherine the Great!
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