One of the more divisive issues currently facing America, "affirmative action" is the hotly debated topic of this PBS-aired Think Tank special moderated by Ben Wattenberg, which features panelists Christopher Edley, Abigail Thernstrom, Stanley Fish, and Dinesh D'Souza. Chronicling the history of affirmative action from LBJ's Executive Order 11246 in 1965 which codified into law the concept of affirmative action, the video also takes a look at how affirmative action programs work in various settings, and examines the political machinations in the (then) upcoming 1996 Presidential election. From these introductory topics, the panel splits, with the argument really boiling down to a battle between Harvard's Edley and D'Souza (author of The End of Racism). Unfortunately, Edley interrupts D'Souza repeatedly--though the latter is still able to make a compelling case for dismantling affirmative action on the grounds that its purpose has been served--while Edley, himself, makes an equally strong defense of affirmative action, reasoning that we are nowhere near reaching LBJ's goal of "equality as a result." Fish (whose literary criticism I was forced to endure in college) seems out of water here and says little, while Thernstrom's position is too strict. No resolutions come out of all this, but viewers will certainly get a good feel for the outline of the debate, and therefore gain a jumping off point for their discussions. Recommended. Aud: H, C, P. (R. Pitman)
Affirmative Action: The History of an Idea
(1996) 56 min. $129. Films for the Humanities. PPR. Color cover. Vol. 12, Issue 3
Affirmative Action: The History of an Idea
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