Stephen Ambrose, known for Undaunted Courage, his definitive book on the Lewis and Clark expedition, is also a World War II historian and author of another well-received work, Citizen Soldiers. In this volume of the 5-tape series Great Minds of American History, host Roger Mudd interviews Ambrose about the final years of World War II, the ascendancy of Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the problems faced by the United States immediately following the war. Ambrose is not some flattering academic; he is witty, engaging, and definitely out-spoken, all of which helps to make what could easily have been a dry talking-heads program more lively and entertaining. He has deep respect for Eisenhower, referring to him not only as the only military leader who could have led the Allies to victory, but also as the "right President" at the "right time." Ambrose admits Eisenhower's political shortcomings, noting that civil rights, for example, were pointedly ignored during his two terms, but he applauds Ike's military skills in bringing about D-Day and the end of the German reign of terror. Newsreel photos of the war and of Eisenhower help to round out Ambrose's vivid descriptions. High school students fortunate enough to watch this video will come away with a greater respect for history as a living entity, not some stuffy, book-bound, meaningless chore. Recommended. The other titles in the series are: Gordon Wood on the American Revolution, The American West with Richard White, The Civil War with James McPherson and America's Forgotten Era: 1865-1914 with David McCullough (series price: $59.98). Aud: H, C, P. (J. Carlson)
Great Minds of American History: World War II and the Post-War Era
(1998) 46 min. $14.98. Unapix/Miramar (avail. from most distributors). PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 1-57523-471-8. Vol. 14, Issue 2
Great Minds of American History: World War II and the Post-War Era
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