Regardless of our biological age, we have an innate need for love. Generally speaking, humans tend to view romance as scheduled by specific circumstances and strict age ranges. It is an ageist thought dynamic that is detrimental to a lot of people’s self-esteem. Steven Loring’s documentary finely captures a side of the older generations that, on a broader basis and within a larger societal perspective, is often underlooked.
One of the most common misconceptions about single baby boomers and other past generations is that having experienced a fulfilling life or saying goodbye to their lifelong partners, they must accept spending the rest of their lives by themselves. The Age of Love shatters that ageist stereotype by revealing the elderly community's inner youth and drive for life that translates into dreams of future budding romances.
The film centers on thirty seniors from the Rochester area in New York state taking part in a speed dating event. By relying upon individual interviews and detailed backstories that give a fair insight into their lives. Loring's documentary optimistically contemplates the meaning of romantic love. It's a moving and heartfelt piece that will have the audience—regardless of their age—feel a new sense of gratitude for their loved ones and realize the importance of living in the moment.
The Age of Love is not only relatable to any senior out there who may have a negative and solitary outlook on life, but it also provides a powerful message of intergenerational hope: There is no such thing as ‘too late,' even when it comes to romance.
Highly recommended for film collections in academic libraries focusing on sociology and public libraries looking for a unique selection for the romance section. Nursing homes should look into securing the public performance rights to show this film in public.
Discover more titles for your film collection in our list of movies about social issues.
Shattering ageist stereotypes, The Age of Love follows the playful and poignant adventures of 30 seniors who register for an unprecedented speed dating event exclusively for 70- to 90-year-olds. Spurred to take stock of life-worn bodies yet still-hopeful hearts, all are fearlessly candid as they prepare for the big day, endure a rush of encounters, then anxiously receive their results.
As they head out on dates that result, comic and bittersweet moments reveal how worries over physical appearance, romance and rejection, loss and new beginnings change - or don't change - from first love to the far reaches of life. The Age of Love presents an unexpected story of the endurance of love, desire and emotional growth, regardless of age.

Download our complete Educational Licensing Brochure. Licenses include 35-page Discussion Guide, Lesson Plan for Educators, and Senior Speed Dating Event organizational kit.
Visit our website for additional details on Educational Licensing, ordering Public Library DVDs, and for Community Events.
Learn more about the making of the film in our Filmmaker's Statement.

Stills from The Age of Love.
Listen to Steven Loring, director, discuss the ideas and inspirations behind The Age of Love. (May 9, 2017)
What subjects or college majors would benefit from the content covered in this film?
A sociology major would really benefit of the integration of this title within a classroom setting. Learn more about the film at The Age of Love website here.