Kashmir has always been a region of unique beauty and richness. Its mineralogical resources have long made the Kashmir valley the point of conflict between kingdoms and empires. Distinctive as well is the long-lived cultural space for those of a third gender known as hijra. These transgender people live in a guru-chela (mentor-pupil) relationship which has different titles in different regions of India and South Asia. In Kashmir, this caste of transgender women served as musicians and entertainers, advisors, wives, and matchmakers for nobility until the period of British Occupation.
In the 1800s, the British began a legalized pogrom against ‘eunuchs’ and other third-gender people in India. Despite this, hijra still live in Kashmir. Trans Kashmir follows a handful of transgender women living in Shringar and records their experiences. They and their allies share personal stories of oppression, hope for a better world, and the daily struggles of living as a transgender woman in a uniquely Muslim, uniquely Kashmiri fashion.
The filmmaking style of Trans Kashmir is very basic, but this helps to keep the focus on the women and activists interviewed in the documentary. Their experiences are valuable and powerful and their culture is fascinating. In other countries across the world, trans women often seek hormone therapy and surgery to change their appearance. In Kashmir, even using makeup is rare among trans women. Their unique Islamic philosophy doesn’t allow them to change their bodies, which they view as one of God’s perfect creations. To change that through surgery is to deny God.
Most of the older women in Trans Kashmir dress much like the men in their communities, cutting their hair short and abstaining from makeup. The younger trans women interviewed feel differently from the older generations: they grow their hair long and paint their faces, though like their elders they believe anything further would be sinful in their relationship with God. This glimpse into the lives and struggles of trans-Kashmiri women has pain, but also joy, and community. This intriguing culture which has survived centuries of oppression deserves attention and recognition. Consider Trans Kashmir when expanding your cultural documentary collection. Highly Recommended.
What film series could this title be used for?
Trans Kashmir would be an excellent addition to an LGBTQ film festival or film series about transgender people, Islam and queerness, and studies of Kashmir.
Where does this title belong on library shelves?
This documentary belongs on LGBTQIA+ documentary shelves and cultural documentary or ethnography shelves.
What type of instructors would use this film?
Queer studies, women’s studies, and Asian studies teachers will all find Trans Kashmir useful.