Billed as "animation's darker side," this compilation of six distinctly non-Disney animated shorts serves up a mixed bag, with standouts such as Paul Vester's "Abductees" (which combines several animated techniques to imaginatively interpret the tales of five alien abductees) and Julie Zammarchi's "Ape" (in which a couple bicker over the standard nightly meal of cooked ape) sharing the bill with less than stellar picks such as Jiri Barta's overlong "Club of the Discarded" (a stop-motion animated Jan Svankmajer-inspired Czech tale about a group of cast-off mannequins whose warehouse is invaded by a band of party-hardy mannequins), Piotr Dumala's "Gentle Spirit" (an atmospheric though tedious adaptation of a Doestoyevsky story) and Pedro Serrzina's "The Story of the Cat and the Moon" (a one-note romantic metaphor about unrequited love in which a cat chases a forever-out-of-reach moon). Rounding out the collection is Suzan Pitt's "Joy Street" (VL-9/97), a beautifully animated tale of a young woman's journey from suicidal despair to personal renewal that we characterized as "at times, a labored effort--and not nearly as joltingly imaginative as [Pitt's] Asparagus was a decade ago." Of course, Joy Street alone is still selling for $195 with public performance rights from Bullfrog Films, so you might consider the $24.95 VHS price a bit of a bargain for all six titles. Incidentally, the program title is a bit of a mystery since there is nothing noir-ish whatsoever about this compilation. A strong, optional purchase. Note: High schools should note that "Club of the Discarded" includes simulated mannequin sex--though, come to think of it, mannequin sex would be simulated, right? Aud: H, C, P. (R. Pitman)
Cartoon Noir
(2000) 83 min. VHS: $24.95, DVD: $29.95. First Run Features. Color cover. Vol. 16, Issue 2
Cartoon Noir
Star Ratings
As of March 2022, Video Librarian has changed from a four-star rating system to a five-star one. This change allows our reviewers to have a wider range of critical viewpoints, as well as to synchronize with Google’s rating structure. This change affects all reviews from March 2022 onwards. All reviews from before this period will still retain their original rating. Future film submissions will be considered our new 1-5 star criteria.
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