Anyone struggling to create realistic drawings from life, from photographs, or copies of other drawings will have a friend in Sandra Angelo. We follow her step-by-step as she uses a series of student drawings to demonstrate how easy it is to correct 7 common mistakes and what a dramatic difference a few simple techniques will make in the resulting product. Armed with sharp, sharp pencils and a battery-operated eraser, Angelo attacks the problems of lack of detail (stopping too soon), lack of value range (range adds volume), ending values (the rainbow problem), difficulties with texture, lifeless eyes, problems with proportions (using a grid and a window) and that old devil, perspective. Clearly and effectively presented, this would be an excellent how-to for the amateur artist. So what's not to like? In commenting on facial proportion, Ms. Angelo makes the comment that the low forehead makes the person look "retarded". This is totally unacceptable and for this reason I would not recommend this program. The 4th vol. in Sandra Angelo's So You Thought You Couldn't Draw is also available. Aud: P. (J. Reed)
7 Common Drawing Mistakes and How to Correct Them
(1995) 61 min. $50. Discover Art. Color cover. ISBN: 1-887823-16-6. Vol. 11, Issue 5
7 Common Drawing Mistakes and How to Correct Them
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