Host Catherine Nash, who studied the arts of woodblock printing and papermaking in Japan, provides an excellent introduction here to the art of making handcrafted paper from both recycled newspapers and garden or wild plants. Specific techniques include lamination, embedding, stenciling, and embossing--as well as instruction on creating different colors of paper--with tips shared for working with students from kindergarten age through high school. Papermaking can be dovetailed into a variety of classroom lesson plans, including art, science, language arts, mathematics, environmental studies, and history, and instructors are advised on how to set up and control a large classroom papermaking session, as well as where to find free or cheap equipment and supplies. Highly recommended. Also newly available, Classroom Papermaking: Advanced Techniques and Special Projects at the same price. Aud: K, E, I, J, H. (J. Asala)
Classroom Papermaking: Handmade Papers From Recycled and Plant Fibers
(2003) 60 min. VHS: $39.95. Nash/Renfrow Productions. PPR. Color cover. Volume 18, Issue 6
Classroom Papermaking: Handmade Papers From Recycled and Plant Fibers
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