The second title in The Idea Bank's handsomely produced series Fire in the Workplace (VL-1/95), this shorter and less informative program repeats some of the information found in the earlier volume, but adds detailed instructions about putting together a fire evacuation program for a business. Attractive computer graphics, solid to-the-point writing, relevant interview clips with fire safety professionals, and powerfully lensed dramatic re-enactments emphasize the importance of designating staff duties in the event of a fire, keeping exitways clear, holding regular fire drills, providing egress for staff members with disabilities, and making sure that all staff meet at an agreed upon rendezvous point. Recommended for larger libraries and those who've gotten good use out of the first tape in the series. (R. Pitman)
Getting Out Alive
(1995) 18 min. $195 (manual included). The Idea Bank. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 1-884684-03-3. Vol. 11, Issue 1
Getting Out Alive
Star Ratings
As of March 2022, Video Librarian has changed from a four-star rating system to a five-star one. This change allows our reviewers to have a wider range of critical viewpoints, as well as to synchronize with Google’s rating structure. This change affects all reviews from March 2022 onwards. All reviews from before this period will still retain their original rating. Future film submissions will be considered our new 1-5 star criteria.