Still have your jump rope from childhood? Well, dig that hummer out of the closet. Created and hosted by self-styled "Rope Warrior” David Fisher, this exercise video provides a combination of “jump roping, rhythmic gymnastics, dance, martial arts, and aerobics.” While you'll never be able to jump as high as the hyperbole accompanying the tape, you will get a good, sound workout after completing Fisher's program, which starts at a basic level and logically progresses to more complicated routines, as viewers move through a warm-up, series of Ropenastic cardio intervals, cool down, and strength and flexibility exercises. A companion volume, Ropenastics Skills, is also available for the same price. Recommended. Aud: P. (S. Fisher)
Ropenastics Workout
(2001) 65 min. $19.95. The Rope Warrior (dist. by Instructional Video). PPR. Color cover. Volume 17, Issue 3
Ropenastics Workout
Star Ratings
As of March 2022, Video Librarian has changed from a four-star rating system to a five-star one. This change allows our reviewers to have a wider range of critical viewpoints, as well as to synchronize with Google’s rating structure. This change affects all reviews from March 2022 onwards. All reviews from before this period will still retain their original rating. Future film submissions will be considered our new 1-5 star criteria.