The third full season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable follows the young Josuke Higashikata, a Japanese high school student with an absent father. Yoshikage Kira, a serial killer with the unique ability to change his face kills freely in the town of Morioh. Behind him, he leaves the ghosts of his victims. One of these ghosts, Reimi, speaks directly to Josuke to find the man responsible for her murder.
On a search for a killer with the ability to change his appearance and disappear, the high schooler Josuke feels in way over his head. He’s backed up by the Speedwagon Foundation and their new friends who have developed stand abilities. Jotaro Kujo and the Speedwagon Foundation believe the artifact Dio used to create his army in Egypt is being used in the town of Morioh; they are unsure why, but they know it must find and contain them.
There’s a lot to love about Diamond is Unbreakable: The action is intense and unique, several notable characters return including the stoic Jotaro Kujo, and there is a return to the series' supernatural roots. The series hides Yoshikage Kira’s identity from the rest of the main characters but gives a very intimate view of the man. We see his bizarre and grotesque habits, his unbridled hatred of women, and the upper-class existence he uses to cloak his passion for murder through episodes that are focused on his point of view. Unlike other JJBA series, Diamond is Unbreakable focuses its scope on the suburban town of Morioh.
Fans of supernatural action, murder mysteries, comedy, and bizarre adventure will love this season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Chart-topping music fans will enjoy hearing Savage Garden’s "I Want You" used as the ending theme and picking out which stand and character names are homages to song lyrics, bands, and famous rockers. Lovers of action anime may already seek out this title. Highly Recommended.
Where does this title belong on library shelves?
JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable belongs on Anime shelves in public libraries. Consider placing it next to action, adventure, and supernatural titles.