Interviews don't come much more timely than this, as Senator Dole has recently entered the 1996 presidential race as the acknowledged Republican front-runner. Veteran interviewer David Frost finds Dole in a relaxed and reflective mood. Politics and government are the exclusive topics of conversation here. Frost begins by asking if Dole will limit himself to one term if elected (maybe). Dole then discusses possible choices for a running mate, but sidesteps any preference at this point. Other topics include congressional term limits, the Republican Contract with America, the balanced budget amendment (which Dole considers the heart and soul of the contract), gun control, public funding of PBS, the Perot factor, Dole's relationship with Clinton, the UN, Bosnia, and America's changing role in the world. Dole spurns a single issue candidacy and stresses that he is not anti-government, but fervently believes in the need to rein in government. Frost's tone is friendly but probing, and few verbal softballs are lobbed (always an occupational hazard for Frost). Even those who don't share Dole's political views will find him articulate and committed. This tape will date quickly as the political season progresses, but it will be useful to Dole watchers seeking to take a measure of the man. Recommended. (S. Rees)
Talking With David Frost: Senator Robert Dole
(1995) 60 min. $69.95. PBS Video. Color cover. Closed captioned. Vol. 10, Issue 4
Talking With David Frost: Senator Robert Dole
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