Years ago, while living on the tropical island paradise formally known as Guam, I signed up for hula classes and, truth be told, I've always kept a soft spot in my heart for the ukulele, gentle breezes and sand in my bathing-suit. In this instructional tape for children, dance instructor Taina Passmore does an excellent job of breaking the hula down into small bites, beginning with the basics and building toward the more difficult steps which incorporate hand movements. Standing in front of a small group of roughly six-to-ten year olds, Passmore takes her class through three complete songs: first demonstrating solo, then practicing with her students, and finally, watching as the group performs the dance alone in beautiful island attire. When the class broke into "Hukilau," my body started to ami (move hips around in a circle) and sway and I remembered every word, every hand motion and began singing ‘Everybodeeee loves a hukilau...' and I was there, thirty years ago, in nothing but a grass skirt and coconuts. What a rush! Recommended for general public collections and a great idea for schools sharing cultural awareness through different art forms. Aud: K, E, I, P. (N. Plympton)
Hula for Children!
(1997) 25 min. $19.95. Island Heritage (dist. by Big Kids Productions). PPR. Color cover. Vol. 14, Issue 1
Hula for Children!
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