Don't give out personal information over the Internet. Do tell your folks if you find something online that makes you uncomfortable. Don't get in cars with strangers. In seven minutes, Internet & Street Smarts offers a handful of vignettes illustrating various no-no's for kids online or out in the street (why these two topics should be combined is anyone's guess; why not phone and home alone safety tips as well?). Created by two former FBI agents, the brief program does provide some decent common sense safety guidelines; however, the lack of any real introduction or summary information (the tape simply jumps from skit to skit) makes this a less than optimum purchase. Still, this is both inexpensive and current (many other children's safety videos don't address Internet issues). Also available at the same price, The Right Choice, on saying no to drug use. Optional. Aud: E, I, P. (R. Pitman)
Internet & Street Smarts
(1998) 7 min. $14.95 ($29.95 w/study guide). Nagy Film & Video (dist. by American Production Services). PPR. Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-9637161-5-8. Vol. 14, Issue 1
Internet & Street Smarts
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