The "Only For Children" series contains three animated stories per tape, with each story running approximately ten minutes long. Volume 1 contains: "The Lost Bunny", "Ilya the Great" (which teach children friendship with others), and "Marsha's Red Shoes" (which teaches responsibility). Volume 2 contains: "The Difficult Donkey" (which illustrates the principle that you can't please all of the people all of the time), "The Rainbow" (which teaches sharing), and "The Little Ballerina" (which teaches caring and friendship). Volume 3 contains: "The Little Mouse" (which teaches children to be themselves), "Snout Nose" (which teaches friendship), and "The Brave Little Bird" (which teaches that you can show happiness by example). The idea behind this series is admirable; unfortunately, the finished product is disappointing. Not only is the animation merely passable and the voices unvaried (and occasionally tiresome), but the story lines can be nearly non-existent ("The Difficult Donkey"), or no better (and even less believable) than a "He-Man" episode, as in "Ilya the Great". Not recommended. (Available from: Only For Children, 215 Long Beach Blvd., Suite 210, Long Beach, CA 90802).
Only For Children, Vol's. 1,2 & 3
(1986)/Children's/30 min. each/$19.95 each/home video rights only/Only For Children. Vol. 1, Issue 12
Only For Children, Vol's. 1,2 & 3
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