To answer the titular question, after about the tenth episode, who cares? This cartoon series set "down under" features a rather colorless platypus named Ovide who, along with his friends, roams an island paradise, watches TVs that spring up out of the ground (perhaps the most disquieting image in the series-broadcast pabulum portrayed as organic), and is consistently called on to foil the plans of the evil snake Cy. Cy, together with his toucan henchman Bobo, is a one-dimensional, singular-minded villain, who wants to take over the island for power? financial gain? plot purposes? all of the above? (who knows?) Pedestrian animation, limited range in story ideas, and lifeless characters place Ovide and the Gang in the ho-hum category of children's video. Not recommended. (Available from most distributors.)
Ovide And The Gang: Will Cy Take Over Paradise? Volume 3
(1987)120 m. $39.95. Celebrity Home Entertainment. Public performance rights included Vol. 4, Issue 9
Ovide And The Gang: Will Cy Take Over Paradise? Volume 3
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