In the first of a series of Rugrats compilations, the popular babies from the hit Nickelodeon cable show appear in three episodes: the first, "Toy Palace," is a standard babies lost in the toy store after closing story that falls flat, but the second, "Real or Robot"--in which Tommy thinks his dad might be a robot, and tries to open up his breastplate while he's sleeping by using a toy wrench on his chest nipple, is fairly amusing, and the finale, "Beach Blanket Babies," a Free Willy-like piece in which the duo try to set free their sea monkeys is clever even for a one-note idea. Ironically, the filler between the segments--two shorts featuring Inside-Out Boy--is, far and away, more creative than any of the Rugrat pieces. Honored by both Parent's Choice and the Kid's First Coalition for Quality Children's Video. Three other Rugrats compilations are also available: a Baby's Gotta Do What a Baby's Gotta Do, Angelica the Divine, and Chuckie the Bold. Recommended. (R. Pitman)
Rugrats: Tales From the Crib, Vol. 1
(1993) 40 min. $14.98. Sony Wonder. Color cover. Vol. 9, Issue 3
Rugrats: Tales From the Crib, Vol. 1
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