An exceptionally attractive and effective program which introduces children to the concept of Sunday worship, Sunday Morning combines colorful graphics with music and text to answer basic questions such as why we go to church on Sunday (to hear God's word); what we do there (give gifts and pray); and what we pray about (we pray for others, give thanks, praise God and ask for help). Biblical stories and words from the liturgy are woven into the narrative and the program concludes with reminding viewers that Christian activities continue after church--loving and serving God; helping and caring for one another, etc. Although much of the content is acceptable to Christians who worship on Sunday, there is a brief reference to the presence of God in the Eucharist, which probably earmarks this superb program "for Roman Catholics" only. Highly recommended for members of this group. Aud: P. (J. Reed)
Sunday Morning
(1998) 19 min. $19.99 (booklet included). Oblate Media. PPR. Color cover. Vol. 14, Issue 1
Sunday Morning
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