Following a debut on the Disney Channel, this winning animated tale, inspired by Kenneth Grahame's beloved The Wind in the Willows, follows Mole as he leaves his house on a lovely spring day and meets new friends on a trip down the river. He picnics, camps, and eventually gets lost in the Wild Wood. The gentle wisdom of the original survives the translation to video, and a bouncy soundtrack (from an unlikely assemblage of artists, including Crowded House's Tim Finn, former Jam and Style Council frontman Paul Weller, and Midge Ure) make this a worthwhile outing for children and New Wave/punk music fans. A companion volume, The Adventures of Toad, is also available. Recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (R. Pitman)
The Adventures of Mole
(BMG, 60 min., $14.98, avail. July 30) Vol. 11, Issue 4
The Adventures of Mole
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