Kemi and Zemi (Alfred Carr and Willis Green-Ceymore; stars of the popular Nickelodeon show Roundhouse) are the titular health guides in this overlong and underwritten introduction to good hygiene habits for kids. In skits that drag on, the Germ Busters cover hand-washing, teeth-brushing, privates-wiping, bath-taking, and toilet-flushing. While all of these topics are certainly vital to maintaining good hygiene, the price is rather high for a kid's edutainment video, and the writing isn't tight enough to generate much excitement. Blandly penned songs and a totally pointless dance sequence are used as filler in a program that could have (and should have) been much shorter and more clever. An optional purchase, at best. Ages 3-7. (R. Pitman)
The Germ Busters
(1996) 32 min. $49.95. KidSafety of America. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 1-884413-07-2. Vol. 11, Issue 2
The Germ Busters
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