Puppet characters Suzette, Todd, Miguel, and Mai star in three ten-minute episodes which teach important character lessons. The first focuses on handling aggression and anger with the catchy phrase "freeze, breathe, 1-2-3." In the second piece, involving a lost puppy, young viewers learn the importance of having compassion, and telling an adult when they're confused. Developing perseverance to learn a new skill, and the importance of telling the truth are the subjects of the last episode. The Kids on the Block puppet troupe has performed extensively for the last twenty years in elementary educational settings, and are probably very effective live. Unfortunately, the experience doesn't translate very smoothly onto the video medium. Camerawork is always limited with puppets, and the audio here is inconsistent, with sometimes hard-to-understand character voices. Too, the pace is pretty slow, which could be a problem for the intended young audience. Optional. Aud: K, E, P. (E. Gieschen)
The Kids on the Block Early Learning Series
(1998) 30 min. $39.95. The Kids on the Block. PPR. Color cover. Closed captioned. Vol. 14, Issue 1
The Kids on the Block Early Learning Series
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