From a series entitled The Musical Storyteller Series featuring storyteller Angela Lloyd, The Musical Washboard Story is an engaging short video aimed at younger viewers. Wearing a pastel-decorated musical washboard with more features than a Swiss Army knife (spoons, wood block, bike horn, jingle bells, and more), Lloyd tells a tale about a young gal who gets invited to a dance by a nifty feller, and inadvertently discovers the musical nature of the washboard while washing her evening dress in the river. She loses the dress but discovers a rich musical expression which she shares with her date that night: a fine rendition of the Mayberry R.F.D. theme. An enjoyable program, and one which is recommended for those who are willing to spend over $100 for a simple program that didn't cost much more than a dime to produce. Other titles in the series are The Story of the Christmas Stockings and The Story of Thorn Rosa. (R. Pitman)
The Musical Washboard Story
(1993) 12 min. $116. Chip Taylor Communications. PPR. Color cover. Vol. 9, Issue 6
The Musical Washboard Story
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