An amiable dance and sing-along from Nick Felix (dance choreographer of the first two Barney tapes), Uncle Nick and the Magic Forest features Felix and four kids traveling to a magical forest where the animals sing simple songs (using tunes in the public domain) and dance a bit with the kids. The group's rendition of "Ten Little Indians"--replete with war whoops--is not a particularly wise choice. I'm not saying these people should be tarred and feathered, mind you, this is a faux pas, not a crime (most of us sang this song when we were kids). Times change, however, and video producers have a responsibility to keep abreast of those changes. A second and third volume in the series, Happy Day Parade and Lost in the Forest, are also available. Ages 2-6. An optional purchase. (R. Pitman)
Uncle Nick And the Magic Forest: Poco And Friends
(1994) 30 min. $14.95. H & F Dance (avail. from major distributors). PPR. Color cover. Vol. 10, Issue 4
Uncle Nick And the Magic Forest: Poco And Friends
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