From the makers of Understanding Depression and Understanding Pornography (reviewed in our March-April 1993 issue), this new program opens with producer/host Barry Pindar saying that the program will talk to people who've experienced angel encounters, experts on angels, and "hear what God has to say." Now, while that might sound as if Pindar has pulled off the interviewing coup of the century, there is considerably more sizzle than heavenly steak in the remark, since hearing God turns out to be listening to a few quotes from the Bible. The program interviews some half a dozen people who have had angelic experiences, beginning with Mark Happach, who was crushed under 1700 lbs. of steel until an angel freed him. Knowing that some of us would be a little skeptical, Pindar says "we double-checked his story": they talked to Mark's wife, who wasn't there but assures us that her Mark is no fibber. Obviously, this is not gonna pass muster with Francis Bacon's scientific method, but that's ultimately unimportant. Believers will be strengthened in their beliefs; skeptics will be strengthened in their skepticism. Such is the nature of the religious beast. On a purely filmic level, the repeated use of an instrument that sounded like wind chimes accompanied by cuts to details of angels in paintings was annoying; sometimes an interviewee barely gets a sentence out between these bits of atmospheric filler. Still, even a cursory glance at the current crop of popular trade paperbacks reminds us that angels are very much a big subject at the moment. Not a great piece, but one which is sure to be quite popular. Purchase according to demand. (R. Pitman)
Angels: True Life Encounters
(1994) 60 min. $19.95 (study guide included). Impact Resources (dist. by Instructional Video). PPR. Color cover. Vol. 9, Issue 3
Angels: True Life Encounters
Star Ratings
As of March 2022, Video Librarian has changed from a four-star rating system to a five-star one. This change allows our reviewers to have a wider range of critical viewpoints, as well as to synchronize with Google’s rating structure. This change affects all reviews from March 2022 onwards. All reviews from before this period will still retain their original rating. Future film submissions will be considered our new 1-5 star criteria.
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