On the evening of May 4th, 1886, an explosion broke out among ranks of Chicago police attempting to disperse a peaceful mass meeting and protest concerning the implementation of an 8-hour work day. After the explosion, the police opened fire on the crowd gathered in the street, killing and wounding dozens of civilians. In the following months, 8 anarchists and socialists would be tried and found guilty of conspiracy.
Haymarket: The Bomb, the Anarchists, the Labor Struggle seeks to study the events and socio-economics surrounding the infamous Haymarket affair to explain why such an event happened. Farm mechanization, railroads, and the Industrial Revolution are all examined in their context to the labor movement of the late 1800s and what gave rise to the populist socialism often associated with the period. Expert historians tell the story and detail the events as the court case unfolds.
The first thirty minutes or so of this documentary outline the invention of the cotton gin, the mechanization of agriculture, the creation of the modern textile industry, and the early urbanization of America after the Civil War. While interesting, these facts have nothing to do with Haymarket directly and are poorly explored, simply glossed over. This introduction may prove too basic for those already familiar with early American history and land this documentary squarely in the infotainment category.
Educators looking for an introductory resource to the Gilded Age or American labor history may find value in Haymarket. While by no means exhaustive in its examination, the experts' statements are insightful and most often poignant. Students looking for academic sources should be directed to books and databases, but public library patrons looking for historical entertainment will be delighted.
I was drawn in by the examination of the court case and the validity of the court’s claims. These segments in particular were well laid out and quite enjoyable. Those with an interest in labor, Industrialization, and unsolved mysteries will enjoy Haymarket: The Bomb, the Anarchists, the Labor Struggle. Highly Recommended.
What academic subjects would this documentary be suitable for?
History professors looking for a crash course on Gilded Age politics may find great value in Haymarket: The Bomb, the Anarchists, the Labor Struggle.
Where does this title belong on public library shelves?
The educational documentary Haymarket: The Bomb, the Anarchists, the Labor Struggle belongs on history shelves.
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Depiction of the Haymarket Affair, 1886 (Photo Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division)
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Depiction of the Haymarket Affair, 1886 (Photo Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division)
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The Haymarket Memorial (Photo Courtesy of Filmadria, Copyright 2021)
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The Haymarket Eight (Photo Courtesy of Filmadria, Copyright 2021)
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Steel Mill Workers (Photo courtesy of Chicago Southeast Historical Society)
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Haymarket: The Bomb, the Anarchists, the Labor Struggle Educational Study Guide
Awards & Honors
Audience Choice Award Recipient - Workers Unite Film Festival (2021)
Reel Work Film Festival - Official Selection (2021)
Global Labor Film Festival - Official Selection (2021)
For more information about Haymarket: The Bomb, the Anarchists, the Labor Struggle, including purchase and streaming options, click here.