For 53 years, civil war persisted in Columbia. While there were many players in the fighting, the two major sides in the conflict were the Columbian state -backed by the US- and FARC-EP (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo). FARC formed during an organization among self-defense militias which arose during the late 40s during a period called “La Violencia.”
In 2016, a historic ceasefire was signed by Colombia's government and FARC, permitting FARC to become a legal political party and putting an end to hostilities. While FARC and its members have consistently followed their side of the agreement, the State only partially fulfilled some promises while completely forgetting others. Scars on the Ground follows a handful of former FARC guerillas who live in a zona near Bogata. Their personal histories mingle with the political change disarmament and government betrayal have brought.
While Scars on the Ground mainly consists of interview footage and slice-of-life documentation, there are moments where the director’s artistic interpretation becomes almost a flow of consciousness. This film is not a documentary for those without a basic understanding of recent Columbian history, as Scars on the Ground provides little in the way of exposition. This is both a strength and a weakness:
With the focus on the subjects instead of teaching history, we are given an intimate perspective of each individual, their thoughts and feelings. However, those learning about the conflict for the first time will be overwhelmed by the lack of supporting information. Those seeking a documentary focused on the human side of FARC will be most interested in this documentary. At just under two hours, this film will be a bit too long for classroom use, but fans of documentary filmmaking will very much enjoy Scars on the Ground. Highly Recommended.
Where does this documentary belong on library shelves?
Scars on the Ground belongs in war and politics documentary collections in both public and academic libraries.
What type of film series could use this documentary?
Any series studying Southern American history, Columbia, or US interventionism will benefit from the addition of Scars on the Ground for a public screening.
Colombia has been the recipient of 70 years of conflict between the state and insurgents. Over 250,000 people were killed in the war. In 2016, the chain was broken when the peace agreement was signed with the FARC. Gustavo Fernández tells the stories of Four FARC ex-combatants who came from humble peasant origins and suffered from financial hardship. They laid down their arms in 2017 to rejoin their families and a Colombia society fed up with the war.
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- "Truth, Peace and Reconciliation Audiovisual Award" – The Peace and Reconciliation Memory Center of Bogotá.
- Official Selection Latin American Studies Association International Film Festival
- Official Selection Proyecto seleccionado en la Clínica de Proyectos Alados
- Official Selection Bogotá International Documentary Film Festival
- Official Selection Santander International Festival of Independent Cinema
Since 1990 Gustavo Fernández has achieved national and international recognition foor the documentaries that he has directed, photographed and produced. De(s)amparo-Polifonía familiar received a National Audiovisual Award Honorable Mention in 2004. El diablo y la rumba was released in Colombia, France and the United States in 1991.
Gustavo has a Master's degree in Documentary and Ethnographic Filmmaking from the Paris Nanterre University. He studied cinematography studies at The Institut National Supérieur des Arts in Brussels and Industrial Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín.
Gustavo has been an Associate Professor of the Arts for more than 15 years at the National University, Bogotá and was the director of the Film and Television Department. He has published articles in books and magazines and given lectures at national and international events. Gustavo was invited to be a member of the jury in national documentary filmmaking competitions in Colombia, at the National Film Council (CNCINE) in Ecuador, and at the Audiovisual Fund of Chile. Gustavo Fernández is a founder and member of ALADOS, the Documentary Filmmakers Association of Colombia.
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Catalog # EPF16046 ● ISBN: 978-1-933724-86-7 ● UPC: 6-82086-16046-7 ● NTSC
122 Minutes ● Copyright 2021 ● Spanish, English Subtitles
Click here to buy DVD: $29.95
Click here to buy DVD w/ Public Performance Rights: $250
Click here to buy DSL and DVD w/ Public Performance Rights: $375
For purchase orders, to book screenings and for other inquiries, please contact:
Larry Rattner -